The Female Tunic

I don’t like women… they remind me of people. I jest… but it’s not often one gets to talk about women without being interrupted so here goes. A part of me wants to thump my chest, then with arms outstretched burst into some ill-conceived Shakespearean soliloquy whilst defiantly eye balling the infinite sky and boom […]

East of East End

I’ve never been one for the soaps, but a lot of people are… people you’d never expect. A friend of mine would throw his axe of a guitar down on his bed after practising thrash metal licks and rush out to the lounge room to watch the latest episode. It was neighbours and Home and […]

The Oval That Became A Car

It’s well into spring and the pigeons are getting feisty. What first drew my attention to the swelling loins of the English pigeon was the change in its calls from Coo Coo to Brooawh Brooawh. After that, the cricket became secondary. It started out as comical. The ladies seemed to be minding their own business […]

What’s in a Name?

Wormsley (Wurmz-Lee) adjective 1: Characterised by or abounding in worms. More commonly ‘worrmy’. Old English from proto-Germanic *wurmiz (Source possibly Old Saxon, Old High German) Old Norse ormree or Gothic waurmsy perhaps taken from the Latin vermisy. from root *wer (2) “to turn, bend a lot” Example: (1) “Barry, Th’ dogge is scoochin’ agayne, sure […]

The Pigeons at Lords are Fat!

This is my first time at Lords. But enough about Lords. There are some things about cricket in England that are far closer to the spirit of what enjoying a game of cricket should be about than what there is in, say… well, take that Nanny state Australia for example. Sandy Beaches! There will be […]